There may be many colors to our skin, but we are beautiful as we are. There may be shades of black, shades of yellow, shades of blue or shades of purple, but that’s alright because no matter what shade you are, you are still beautiful. We may not all talk the same language, or look the same way, but that’s alright, we are still beautiful. We may not be physically shaped the same way, but that’s alright, we are still beautiful. We may not hold the same background of education, but that’s alright, we are still beautiful.
Many may not understand us, many may not validate us; but that’s alright because we are beautiful. But I know someone who loves us just the way we are. His name is Jesus. So don’t hang your head in shame of who you are, but hold your head up high and let the world know, I may be different, but that’s alright, because that’s what makes me beautiful. We are all uniquely made and beautiful in God eyes. He created us in His image and likeness that must say something about our God. So I encourage you to love who God created you to be, for there is no one like you. Accept who you are and never forget that you are beautiful. A point to remember, many may never see what God sees in you, but that’s alright, for you are fearfully and wonderfully made…. You Are Beautiful!!
Psalm 139:14- “I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well.
Blogged by Evangelist Belinda Avant